Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Healthy Child Plan

Healthy Child Plan

Q Directions This is your signature assignment. • It MUST include ALL 5 Parts of your Healthy Child Plan REVISED. • It MUST Include a TITLE Page (APA format) & Reference Page (APA format) • Paper must have Headings for each section • Be sure to check your TurnitIn Plagiarism score before submitting - your score must be below 20%. • Must be upload by 12noon - Since this is your final, late papers will not be accepted Final Plan Must Include: 1. Title Page (APA format) 2. Introduction 3. Part 1 - Revised (check guidelines for Part 1 - posted on Canvas - to make sure you have everything included) 4. Part 2 - Revised (check guidelines for Part 2 - posted on Canvas - to make sure you have everything included) 5. Part 3 with Timeline - Revised (check guidelines for Part 3 - posted on Canvas - to make sure you have everything included) 6. Part 4- Conclusion and Reflection 7. Part 5 ~ Resources list & References Page (APA) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Guidelines for Parts 4 & 5 • Must be combined with Parts 1,2,& 3 Revised Part 4: Conclusion In this section of the assignment, you will discuss your concluding thoughts on creating this plan and assess if you were successful in finding appropriate resources for the child you created in essay form. You are expected to Reflect thoughtfully about the process of creating the plan. Continue to Include references to course materials as you write this reflection (be sure to add them to your References page as well as in the text of your writing. • Again, please do not cut and paste the assignment prompts in your submission. it should be written in high quality paragraph form - spellcheck, check for grammar, logical sentence structure. Please include ALL of the following: 1. How and in what ways does your plan support the family of the child? 2. In what ways does your plan include ways to educate the family and others about supporting the child? 3. In what ways does the plan sensitively take into consideration the child, family and their community’s cultural and linguistic makeup? 1. Describe how it does this specifically for the child. 2. Describe how it does this specifically for the family. 3. Discuss how the plan considers how the child’s community plays a role in supporting the child and the family. What does the community need to have in order to support the child and family? 4. Reflect on the value of this assignment. How did you develop skills that you can use to support a child in his/her health and safety. Part 5 ~ Resources list & References Page (APA) • These are 2 separate documents • Some of your resources will also be included in your References page (it is okay that they are in both) A). Resources list • This page contains 4 Resources that you would give to the family to use in support of their child. • 1 resource MUST be a physical place - doctor, specialist, and/or clinic that the child can physically access within 75 miles of their location • These resources to Support the Child includes the following information 1. Name of organization or agency 2. Physical address of the organization or agency 3. Website of the agency Example: Sonoma County Office of Education Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program 5340 Skylane Blvd. Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (Links to an external site.) 2) Reference Page • References : Includes ALL references to course materials, research papers, statistics, online sources, and other resources that you refer to in this assignment. • MUST be in APA format

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The initial years of a child’s life are crucial for his healthy growth and set the course for his healthy transition into adulthood. A child needs an efficient caregiver who can support all his needs and requirements during the initial years of his life, as the child is entirely dependent on others for all his daily activities. Nevertheless, numerous aspects goes into the development of the child, and the physical environment and the surrounding of the child and his immediate family plays a significant role in the physical development of his body and mental wellbeing. A baby is expected to be healthy if they are plump and has big, round dimpled cheeks and knees. However, it may be a concern if the child is abnormally overweight compared to his age group.